This was yesterday, but it is important. I enjoyed that the Times coverage stressed that the bison roamed through "affluent" neighborhoods, suggesting that in Baltimore, packs of bison routinely trample crackwhores in the seedy parts of town, but when they get loose in the tonier areas, the police mobilize. Could be. More importantly, the saturation coverage is a subtle reminder--when was the last time you watched men on a tennis court in a bison-free context? A while. Men's tennis has evolved into a sport that is conducted in secrecy. Where have you gone, Ile Nastase? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you. And now, it seems that there are folks making plans for bison--pass the Old Bay, and a Natty Bo. Big Dipper, "Making Plans for Bison" Every Band Has a Shonen Knife who Loves Them, Giant, 1989