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the punisher

I was surprised to see that the Hardee's press release that you linked to was out of St. Louis, MO, and released by the mound city PR firm, CKR.

Back in the day, I worked for this firm briefly, during the Summer of 90', in order to pay rent and finance 40 ouncers purchased from the Delmar Limits Grocer, conveniently located one flight of steps down from the apt occupied by me and the Hobbyist.

Anyway, for a month or two until CKR fired me (for laziness? insubordination? reading Moby Dick during lunch hour?) I was working on the Winchester rifle account. They had me calling state and national parks, clubs, and hunting shops all over the country in a PR effort by the firearms company to encourage people to shoot more geese, though not necessarily fewer ducks.

I don't know if I succeeded in increasing national goose kills, but I definately did not manage to convince at least one psychotically paranoid Nebraska Cabella's outlet manager that I was not calling on behalf of the jackbooted thugs at the bureau of ATF.

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