Once again, many thanks to Uncle "The Malcolm McLaren of Dorkwave" Grambo, for outstanding achievements in the field of Cod pimping. Also, thanks to Uncle for digging up the Detroit radio bumpersticker archive. The internet is not just for people to share pictures of their cats, or to look at ladies sitting on birthday cakes, or to say dumb stuff about Bacos, but also for useful things, like an archive of WRIF sticker variants. The Cod spent some time in Bradyland in his formative years, and it is good too see WLLZ, WJLB, and even WWWW represented and representing. If anyone knows of a similar archive for Boston, I would be happy to contribute--still have one unaffixed WCOZ sticker in the safe deposit box, next to the rare red WBCN
variant. More importantly, I would offer a handsome reward to anyone who can furnish me with a V66 sticker--the late, lamented home for UHF video bestness for the uncabled. Pour some out for New Man, Lizzie Borden & the Axes, and Ball and Pivot, why don'tcha?
Holy shit, you just broke me with the V66 logo.
Imagine, you are 12, not particularly cool about music yet, and you see 2/3 of a video for the best song you have ever heard. Except it is on V66, which distinguished itself from Mtv by only telling you the band/song title at the beginning. 2 years of retarded development later you finally figure it was How Soon Is Now.
(I've never seen the video since, but in my memory it is conflated with those Chanel Egoïste ads).
Posted by: max | Friday, 22 April 2005 at 02:33 PM
That's the song that Soho samples for the main riff in "Hippiechick," right?
Posted by: Fesser | Sunday, 24 April 2005 at 05:52 PM
uh, yeah. I wish I didn't know that.
Posted by: max | Tuesday, 26 April 2005 at 04:21 PM
Yes, but I always thought that "Hippiechick" would be a cool nickname for Luis Sojo: "Luis 'Hippiechick' Sojo," but Chris Berman never returns my calls.
Posted by: Fesser | Tuesday, 26 April 2005 at 05:19 PM