The Cod is buried to the dorsal fin and beyond, but Mr. Badthings' roundup will certainly do more than tide you over. Especially when he guides you to gems like this:
As if booting Bob Edwards were not unforgivable enough, NPR devoted long minutes on a Saturday morning to a segment on a guy whose own handlers once told me was plucked out of kitchen obscurity not for his Escoffier potential but simply because “the camera loves him.” Does no one else find it surreal to hear serious radio promoting vacuous TV? I guess I should just be glad Paris Hilton was too busy getting waxed to stir-fry.
Hail, gastropoda! I was familiar with Regina Schrambling's name from NY Times DI/DOs of yore but having slipped that leash, she is, well, off the chain. Also, the readings are not to be overlooked.