I hate to think of the Google referrals this title will bring, but it is the only way to describe the Cod's new favorite TV program, Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, which we discovered through the kind offices of Britopia, a correspondent of the cinetrix. Basically, Gordon Ramsay, a Brit celeb chef, roams through the hinterlands, delivering Supernanny-style smackdowns to the staff of non-functioning restaurants. By "non functioning" I do not mean "uninspired pan-Asian menus" but rather "fridges full of rotting food." What makes it excellent is that he has that pottymouthed, hardcore pipeswinging English toughguy act down cold. Like Terrence Stamp. And he makes Cartman sound like Henry Higgins--portions of this ep resemble a test of Emergency Broadcast System because the bleeped curses come so thick and fast. In light of the news, via the Wasters, that a sitcom is being spun out of Kitchen Confidential, we need this program--it being British and all, not every ep has a happy ending, and backsliding makes good TV.