Via the estimable Muse of Brazil, ten things your farmers market won't tell you. Beat the crowds, stay at home, and enjoy Chris Kula's walking tour of the Greenmarket. A tip of the fin to LaD, who remains skeptical about the power of ice to keep things cold. From what I gather, Mr. Badthings was not entirely feeling the whole article, but it did have the salutary effect of reminding me that once upon a time, the notion of farmers markets involved a savings over supermarket prices, rather than jostling other Volvo XC70 owner/operators to pay dimebag prices for arugula. Well back in the day (in this case, "the day" denotes an epoch when Messrs Farrar and Tweedy were still on the same page), I recall a classmate of mine visiting the Soulard Market in STL, and being so overwhelmed by the inexpensiveness of it all that he ended up giving away all of his purchases to those who appeared less fortunate. The venerable Haymarket in Boston is a remaining vestige of the old kind of market--deals to be had, but the axiom that produce comes from Cali, and the Haymarket is the last stop before they tip it into the Atlantic ocean is a good one to keep in mind. Irregardless (batting .239 is ok if the box of clementines cost a dollar) the Haymarket is one of the only places in Boston where you can squint and pretend that there is a mosaic, Dinkins stizz. Everyone has a lot of front, and it is all equal opportunity, whether it is an Haitian grandmother buying fruit from a Korean couple, an Chinese woman buying cukes from an Italian kid with a pierced eyebrow, or anyone buying the expired cheese. With world enough and time, would consider establishing widcat booth at largely insufferable Charles Sq mkt, and selling heirloom crack.
your world frightens and confuses me! sometimes the honking horns of your traffic makes me want to get out of my cab .. and run off into central park, or wherever.. sometimes when I get a message on my fax machine, i wonder: "did little demons get inside and type it?" i don't know! my primitive mind can't grasp these concepts.
she used to be a cavegirl,
but now she's a lawyer.
unfrozen cavegirl lawyer!
Posted by: la depressionada | Thursday, 30 June 2005 at 05:03 PM
Irregardless isn't a word.
Posted by: Derek | Thursday, 09 October 2008 at 02:46 PM