Happy National Coming Out Day. You could watch the Angels and the White Sox ALCS at home with those guys on the right, or enjoy some ouzo with Chucklebot.
Either way, LaD has been getting Dr. Octagon on the noble turkey, working on her turducken technique. I'm just looking forward to footage of the Maddencruiser snaking through the Lower East side, in search of the elusive Depressionada. Elsewhere, Gov. Romney warns against theocracies, and keeps straight face, evidently.
Also, if you and your domestic partner have a Kitchen-Aid stand mixer, enjoy hamburgers, and hope to grow old together free of BSE, consider buying chuck at the market, and grinding it yourself at home. (Or if you are old school, a Porkert hand grinder, or one of the coal-fired behemoths from Cabela's.) Does not eliminate the risk, but it improves the odds, in that you will be eating the same amount of beef, but you will have fewer cow partners, so to speak. Also, you can push a shallot and even a jalapeno you smoked in your Cameron smoker through with the meat, for extra flavor goodness.