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Just make every recipe in the NFL cookbook (or the WWF cookbook), and post about it. The book deals will flow in. Or, make and eat every recipe in the Escoffier Cookbook within a year and post about your quadruple bypass.

In related news, Julie Powell was on PBS's 'Greater Boston' today. She clearly is not worthy of any of her fame, then again neither is Emily Rooney, the host of 'Greater Boston.' Powell is also one of the worst dressers ever.


I heart the actual cooking!

I was thinking earlier today how much I enjoyed the cantaloupe recipe, and how very much I'd love to see a Cod Book of Receipts.


The NFL Cookbook does sound like it has more than a few blog posts in it, though I'm not sure about trying to turn it into J/J-style slash fic.

The cooking's always good. As for Bruni, I'd say, like salt, add to taste. One knows what it is and what it does, but sometimes it's necessary. Attention to the byways of foodwriting can be a good thing, and I don't mean in a necessarily critical way.

And always with the Stetsasonic.

Rose's Lime

The dialog - between the Cod and the receipt - between the Cod and his subjects - that's what keeps me coming back. A little receipt riffing - here's a notion I read about - here's my take on it - try adding some bacon and you won't regret it. Readers invent their own ammendments. Too much food writing is focused on the receipt itself and not on the improvisation that can surround it, I find.

Also reportage on bettering food production and consumption embiggens us all.

General Codfishness in song, deed, puck and gridiron also appreciated.

Bruni bashing is too easy a sport and frankly, as often as not, I'm unclear whether you're panning or praising the count's unfettered hyperbole.

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