From Culiblog, the food blog that most consistently gives the impression of being written by a character in a lost Ian McEwan novella, a way to save time at the salad bar-- sprouts sprouting out of lettuce. Somewhere, Kool Keith's vegan doppelganger is smiling.
Chia cabbage?
Posted by: BK | Monday, 30 January 2006 at 10:55 AM
Hi, I'm that character and I can't decide whether to be chuffed or puffed. So I'm going with chuffed.
But could you please elaborate?
By the way, I didn't make this salad on a salad, one of my design students (Cygalle Shapiro) did in... Food Atelier. Nowadays, you can play with your food and get a degree - and I'm the one who will teach you how.
Does that make things better or worserer?
Posted by: Debra Solomon | Saturday, 04 February 2006 at 05:03 AM
I had to check chuffed, which is one of those anonamopoetic words, but yes, I meant it in a good, if abstract way, in that CB consistently delivers a sense of gracious living in a slightly uncanny context. See esp. yurt. In an entirely idiosyncratic way, it reminds me of the atmospheres from whence McEwan summons his creations. Or it could have been that the foto of your shadow reminded me of a jacket design. Glad you stopped in.
Posted by: Fesser | Sunday, 05 February 2006 at 11:06 AM
OK, I'm vain AND stumped. CB from which McEwan novel?
Uncanny gracious living is one of my areas of expertise, but I'm excited at the prospect of modelling myself after a fictional character.
Posted by: Debra Solomon | Sunday, 05 February 2006 at 04:39 PM
CB = Culiblog. Unfortch, no specific character in mind....
Posted by: Fesser | Sunday, 05 February 2006 at 05:59 PM