This week, we see the fighting side of Strong:
Sadly, if this is what Rao’s is about, I’ll pass. I had a chance to check it out Friday night and, unfortunately was quite dismayed. The place was a high end Olive Garden. Actually, I think Olive Garden might be better. Dinner began with a basket of stale slices of white bread in a straw basket with a dish of olive oil. Our first course, clams casino, were chewy and bathed in an amount of garlic and oil that I have never experienced in my life. For pasta, we had ziti in a bland and chewy pancetta and tomato sauce. We were asked if we wanted cheese. We said, “Yes, please.” The waiter arrived and sprinkled powdered Parmesan over the top. Are you kidding me? Powdered Parmesan? Were we at Pizza Hut?
Suddenly, it all becomes clear. Once again, Bruni is the trailblazer. If you cultivate a rep as a chipper booster of the food scene, it gives the very rare negative review the force of a blindside hit from Lawrence Taylor. Bruni's diss of Ninja was infinitely more painful because it was the first time in recorded history that he had not been bowled over by the mere concept of exchanging Punch's money for a hot meal. Similarly, when Strong comes with the Olive Garden and Pizza Hut beef, you have to believe that she's not just having a slightly sub Babbo evening. Regrettably, we will return to our regularly scheduled Oscar coverage bright and early tomorrow.
this girl writes like the girls who chew gum at the mall.
i'm fascinated by americans' love of southern italian american food. even more educated palates swoon at the the classics.
Posted by: la_depressionada | Tuesday, 28 February 2006 at 01:44 PM
It's true....I installed a two-way mirror in Mario Batali's kitchen.
"what's wrong with that? A lot of guys like to watch their best friends cook...."
"the more you cook, the stupider you get....that's why i ride the bus"
Posted by: carlos | Tuesday, 28 February 2006 at 11:30 PM