When foie gras is outlawed, only outlaws will serve foie gras. Mayor Daley II's bemusement:
He claims that there are only about four spots in Chicago serve it, which seems low, considering that it has become such a ubiquitous luxe symbol they probably have it as an option on the burgers they serve at the Cheescake Factory. Others quoted in the article point out that helping the poultry does not mean endorsing gang violence, but no one mentions that much more suffering could be eliminated by banning the McNugget. I've opined before that the whole foie gras contretemps is a whippet, morally speaking, but with the benefit of a seat on the sidelines, I would be interested to see the foie hit the fan if anyone ever suggests banning foie gras in NYC.
*When a sausage, potholes and snowplows guy like Daley starts making offhand references to "the global economy," that just might be a sign that things are real f-ed up. Just saying. In any case, like so many of us, Daley II is not the man his father was, and I heartily commend to you Mike Royko's biograpy of Daley, pere, Boss. It's kind of like The Power Broker, but in a size you could hand out to trick-or-treaters.