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Millionaire Richard Quick

They can have my grilled foie gras with cherry chutney and peppercorn brioche when they pry it from my gold, dead, and tastefully bejewelled fingers!

Richard Quick, Esq.

debra van Culiblog

Typically Dutch, 'I didn't realise that this could represent a man peeing into a woman's mouth!'. Doink. You should see what they do for St. Nick's up there (she says writing from down here) insisting that it is not racist.

David Sedaris' 6-8 Black Men

Sharon Carlaine

let's break down force feeding for a moment...

There are many physical effects of force feeding, just to name a few:

difficulty breathing
inability to walk or stand
lacerated or punctured trachea & esophagus
bacterial and fungal growth & infections on the lining of their organs
stomach and liver bursting
choking and suffocating on undigested food and/or vomit

And since the liver is so overwhelmed it can no longer function, which in medical terms is called hepatic lipidosis which in turn creates:

brain damage
eruption of the liver (if the liver explodes, no foie gras)
severly large quantities of toxins released into the body

If this was at all a natural or welcomed occurrence, they could just put out excess food & they would overeat. The fact that this has to be forced to overeat shows how wrong it is. Also, they are being fed only corn and oil, which neither are obviously found in their natural diet, so their body fights to reject this mixture, and does not receive any protein or necessary vitamins to help their bodies fight.

To establish the facts, a hearing was conducted last month by the Council's committee on heath, where it fell to veterinarian Holly Cheever to lay it all out. The birds are force-fed with pipes, explained Cheever. "There is food spilling from the nostrils of these poor animals, who choke to death. As the [enlarged] liver fails, they develop a brain condition. You will see birds having seizures or in comas still being grabbed and force-fed."
-excerpt from the Chicago hearings

If these birds were treated this cruelly to feed the masses, maybe this could go unnoticed. They are performing these acts for only one organ, selling for up to $150 a plate.

Foie gras is also not even usually served on its own, other than in a mousse
dessert, or as an appetizer . It doesnt even fully feed a person. There are no school children getting nutrition due to duck liver, no impoverished countries living off the stuff. This is cruelty only for the rich & it is sick and disgusting.

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If this was at all a natural or welcomed occurrence, they could just put out excess food & they would overeat.

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I am not a ceramicist, but perhaps an alternative that would smooth ruffled feathers would be urinals shaped like geese with gavage funnels in place

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To establish the facts, a hearing was conducted last month by the Council's committee on heath, where it fell to veterinarian Holly Cheever to lay it all out.

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