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TGC: "...caffe mocha with whipped cream has more calories than a quarter pounder w/ cheese."

Reminds me of Sarah Silverman discussing her experience of the 9/11 attacks: "They were devastating. They were beyond devastating. I don't want to say especially for these people, or especially for these people, but especially for me, because it happened to be the same exact day that I found out that the soy chai latte was, like, nine hundred calories. I had been drinking them every day. You hear soy, you think healthy. And it's a lie..."


Does B&J really use a lot of eggs? In their cookie dough, I guess. But I don't see them putting their bottom line where their mouth is and swearing off feedlot milk.

In other news, Hudson Valley Foie Gras pledges to force-feed their ducks only through sustainably farmed hemp-plastic feeding funnels.

(I know that wasn't the point of your post.)

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