While not old enough to rent cars, or to get an AARP card, the Blogosphere, food division, is showing signs of maturing. Not maturity, but maturing. In spite of themselves, the pen and ink folks are catering to the pixel folk. Recently, one of the ink-stained wretches coughed up a witless, ill-informed, and mean-spirited account of the restaurant scene in a city with much bigger things to worry about. I will not dignify it with a name or a link but you will see impassioned rejoinders to it throughout the blogosphere.
And that's the whole point. Like Madonna masturbating with a crucifix, it makes no sense without the reaction. The only explanation for writing a bitchy takedown of a city justly celebrated for its food, as it struggles out of a disaster of literally Biblical proportions is that you will get all kinds of response from pissed-off people on the internets. It is the only rationale for writing an article like this.
What can you do? If you saw the article, and if it pissed you off, take a deep breath, save a draft of your post, and make a damn reservation. The airport code you want is MSY. If you see me at the airport, I'd be happy to split a cab to Acme, or Central Grocery, or August, or Frankie and Johnnie's, or Domilice's, or just about any place you choose.
Boy do I second all of that.
Posted by: augieland | Friday, 10 November 2006 at 02:55 PM
or Upperline or Bachanal or Crepe Nanou or Fire or Bacco's or...
Posted by: New Orleans survivor | Monday, 13 November 2006 at 09:57 AM
or Casamentos - how could i forget casamentos?
Posted by: New Orleans survivor | Monday, 13 November 2006 at 09:59 AM
Jacque-imo's, baby.
Posted by: CD | Tuesday, 14 November 2006 at 08:24 AM