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Rose's Lime

Just got around to reading this.

Remember, the medium is the message... so after you double down on the most over the top restaurant in New York with an even more over the top restaurant with 2,000 samurai swords and $300 entrees, you can't retort to an over-the-top panning with a simple letter. Reinforce the brand of spending wildly and profligately with a $100,000 full page ad in the Times.

But why stop there I say? Put your money where your mouth is Jeffrey and spring for a neon sign in Times Square saying "Frank Bruni is Starving the Children of the Line Cooks of New York!"

Rose's Lime

That is to say... I didn't think the letter sounded crazy, just, as with so many things Chowderow, in calculatedly gaudy graceless poor taste.


I was disappointed to find the letter to be perfectly reasonable.


Chodorow must be happy to have a merkin in his corner!

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