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Hey now, Fesser, who drew up the coordinates on your triangle of debauchery? I will let the Italians speak for themselves when they sober up, but must mention that in Trinidad and Tobego -- birthplace of Calypso and Soca music -- Carnival is practically a national holiday. I am reliably informed that proper observance of the Trini version is a full-time commitment lasting at least two weeks...


desidero che ero a venezia


I saw the king cakes at Whole Foods last weekend. They were an odd and unappealing shade of yellow, as though they'd been left in an alley off the parade route used by guys who didn't want to wait in the Porta-potty line, and they were caked with gobs of nasty white icing.

I will always have a spot in my heart for the minimalistic, slighty dry but tasty McKenzie king cakes.

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