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Rose's Lime

After trying a once cooked technique with mixed results too many times, I've settled on twice cooked...

Cut your ordinary potatoes into wedges the size of half fingerlings. Dump into boiling water and simmer for 5-10 minutes till they're tender, but not falling apart.

Toss on a baking sheet with olive oil, salt and herbs. Alternatively, if you're serving with a roast chicken as we do, start the chicken 1/2 hour before, scoop some of the schmaltz out of the roasting pan and toss potatoes with that.

Place in oven for about 40 minutes at 350 - usually on the rack below where the chicken is cooking - remove the chicken in 1/2 hour and let rest. Remove potatoes and throw them on the table blistering hot. You don't get any potatoes till you eat your chicken and your green beans anyway.


I'm not totally sure what an oven fry is supposed to be, or why one would want one, if one could have roast potatoes instead (for which almost any potato, any recipe is foolproof as long as you roast them long enough).
And yes the Irish with their potatoes and buttermilk were better nourished than their counterparts in other European countries at the time. And potatoes were easy for poor people to grow. And the population grew. But the problem was not so much "monoculture" since Ireland raised a variety of crops. The Irish famine, like all modern famines, was a problem of food distribution and bad government policy. During every year of the famine (1845-49) Ireland exported shiploads of wheat, beef, vegetables, butter. As many people died from disease (maybe more?) as from famine. More emigrated.

Okay, sorry -- end of history lesson...


Fair enough. I was about halfway through Mike Davis' "Late Victorian Holocausts" which makes the point that famine is not a natural phenomenon, and then 9/11 happened, and I did not have the heart to keep reading. I did not mean to suggest that the 47 was some sort of judgment on the Irish for poor agricultural practices.


Aww, I wouldn't take you for the kind of 'fesser who would judge the Irish. I was thinking that the Irish famine, "Jungle"-like, often gets read as a story about immediate causes (drat, those potatoes!), rather than systemic ones (laissez-faire capitalist and imperialist bastards!). Though of course one can go overboard in the latter direction ("genocide," anyone?)

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