It appears that Easter observances will be taking place a) en famille and b) with a kickoff temp of ca. 70 degrees. Under the circumstances, a leg of mutton/steamship roast might be a bit much. On the other hand, one wants something festive, and nothing says festive like a roast beast. Any non-luau based concepts
are welcome.
Grilled butterflied leg of lamb - marinate in greeky stuff (lemon juice, onion, garlic, oregano, olive oil) and grill. Yum. Everyone likes it, and because the meat is always sort of lumpy, some will be well done and some will be rare, so everyone gets what they want. And it's lamb. For Easter.
Posted by: maggie | Thursday, 05 April 2007 at 08:34 AM
Have you checked the weather? It's going to be colder than you think.
Posted by: Isis | Thursday, 05 April 2007 at 08:52 AM
Maggie- A good idea. I've done lamb frequently for Easters, but might return to it.
Isis- I can think pretty cold.
All- Rabbit is just off the table as an option, right?
Posted by: Fesser | Thursday, 05 April 2007 at 09:00 AM