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Thanks so much for taking the time to write this blog entry. I hate to see someone taking heat for something they're not guilty of (particularly when it's someone I like), simply because people are ignorant of what the facts are. You've presented a sound case.

Fritz B.

It is ironic that there is so much ado about this Marcel cat's stupid egg. But maybe Wylie is the real "plagarist." He stole the egg from Ferran Adria of El Bulli fame. See for yourself: http://www.thegluttonist.com/welcome/2007/05/now_will_the_re.html


Marcel has come forward and given a full explanation that discredits the charges that he stole Wylie Dufresne's/WD-50 cyber egg--different techniques, different ingredients, different timelines of inspiration. His response was published in Wired Magazine's Underwire blog on 5/29/07: http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2007/05/cyberegg_contro.html

Please be sure to read the last paragraph of the piece, which plainly states that Ilan, and particularly Sam, cheated by taking credit for recipes that were not their own.

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I haven't been up to much lately. So it goes. What can I say? I've just been letting everything wash over me recently, not that it matters. I just don't have much to say these days.

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