"Urban" is one of the more puzzling words that pops up in restaurant names. Either it is a baffling misrepresentation, as with the "Urban Cafe" in Hartford, VT, or it is a redundant assertion of fact -- see "Righteous Urban BBQ"*
There was, though I doubt it survives, a bring-the-chilaquiles-to-the-hipsters place in Chicago called Hilary's Urban Eatery. Given its location near the intersection of Ashland and Division, insisting on urbanness hardly seemed necessary. More generally, "urban" seems to have two rather different usages. It is a more polite way to say "inner city," which is itself a more polite way to say "black," viz "students from urban high schools." On the other hand, it also seems to pop up as a synonym for "hip," or "sophisticated," usually among the same folks who term restaurants with mismatched saltshakers "funky." They may mean "urbane," though applying that to a restaurant makes it sound as if they would be serving Roast Loin of David Niven with Monocle Sauce.
*Here the "Urban" may be the only term that is not disputed.