In addition to being a distinctive voice in the food world, and on every cable show except for the ones hosted by Babe Winkelman, Anthony Bourdain now has (another) blog to make sure that you get your USRDA of Tony each and every day. It's Bourdain being Bourdain, rather than, say, blogging about gathering chamomile flowers with Tegan and Sara. I don't watch enough (any) Top Chef, so I can't speak to his evaluations, but his take on the Cuban sandwich seems both characteristic and sensible. Left to his own devices, these kinds of shows seem exactly like the kind of thing he might rant about on Ruhlman's blog. I can imagine Top Chef execs huddling and concluding that it would be better to have Ruhlman inside the tent, pissing out, than outside the tent, pissing in. As it stands, it seems as if Bourdain is in the tent, and pissing in the tent.
I like Bourdain's bravo blog and whenever he sits in on Ruhlman's blog. Bourdain, despite his appearances on Top Chef, hasn't sold his soul down the river like the rest of the celebrity chef ilk. The only product I can think of that he would create a "chef-brand" with is Marlboro cigarettes and that just ain't happenin! chefjp
Posted by: chefjp | Thursday, 16 August 2007 at 02:44 PM