Actually, not so much. Having checked back in with the aforementioned Bourdain Bravo Blog, I've put my finger on the trouble -- it looks like ass. I was surprised to see that the current entry ran to six pages, thinking that it would be unlikely that Bourdain would go Gibbon on a single episode of a TV show, even if you paid him. Then I noticed how small the pages are. As the screenshot below indicates, if the page for Bourdain's blog were a map of the USA, the actual content could fit in an Arizona-sized hole. The rest, is promotion for Bravo. Better yet, chopping up the post generates more clicks, and theoretically, more ad revenue, though the vast majority of the promotion on the site was in-house. I understand that Bravo is a for-profit endeavor, but this layout asks a lot from the reader.
After following Bourdain's work on this blog for awhile, I'm now ready to throw in the proverbial towel. chefjp
Posted by: chefjp | Thursday, 23 August 2007 at 11:02 PM