In terms of hits, by far the post popular post, like ever, in the spangled history of The Gurgling Cod is from September of '06, titled Retarded Things are Afoot inside the Circle K. While some may be ineluctably drawn to read and re-read the trenchant critique of this FHM article, which I was able to identify as both sexist and culinarily sketchy, my referrals log suggest that many of the hits came from folks who figured out how to type " Ca*t C*ra"into Google Image Search with one hand on the keyboard, and the other in the Noxema. While I recognize that waxing the dolphin while inspired by those comely Food Network vixens is a healthy sexual outlet for millions of Americans, (I hope whomever it was who came here looking for "G*ada" + "feet" found what they wanted) it does soak up the bandwitdth. So C*ra fans -- I hope you right-clicked and saved, because here is your new cora.jpg . (SFW, mostly.)