"Never doubt that a shadowy Internet presence, probably inhabited by someone wearing pajamas, can make a difference. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Today, these famous words ring truer than ever. News that none other than J-to-the-G-to-the-V had joined the ranks of bloggers reminded me that this was not the first website associated with this chef. JGV: the blog is a straight out the box Blogger template. It seems destined to last about as long as the publicity push for his new book. But back in the Web 1.0 days, Jean-Georges got a little bit rooty with the flash. On August first, 2005 the Cod observed,
A visit to the JGV homepage does not help much--the visitor is greeted by bumpalicious, yet maudlin aural wallpaper from one "Messj." If there had been a funeral in Zoolander, this would have been the music. Most folks left the embedded musical webpage to the genealogy buffs back in the 90s, but not Jean-Gorges.
But now, the Zoolander funeral music is gone, replaced with -- silence. The Cod mocks -- Vongerichten listens, and changes his webpage.