And now that you are firmly in the Christmas Spirit, build on that warm glow with one of the few opportunities to work for social justice and make prank calls -- simultaneously. The good folks at Justice at Smithfield have set today as the day to give ol' Paula Deen a jingle and ask her why she continues to pimp for an outfit that reads The Jungle like a how to manual:
Today is International Human Rights Day, and
Justice@Smithfield supporters plan to commemorate by drawing
attention to human rights abuses at Smithfield's Tar Heel Plant.
Working conditions at the plant rank among the most brutal in
the United States, and, in years past, were even profiled by the
international watchdog Human Rights Watch.
As many of you know, television chef Paula Deen has
become the paid public spokeswoman for the company. This holiday
season, you'll be seeing her face turn up on pork products at
your local supermarket, many of which originate from the plant
in Tar Heel. With such high visibility and influence within the
company, we believe that Paula is in a unique position to steer
the company toward a more humane path. But we need your
Today: Monday, December
Contact Paula
Ask Her to Be a Human Rights Leader for
Call Her Up at her Savannah
(912) 233-2600
Or Use the Email Contact Form
on Her Website
That's one press release The Cod is proud to cut and paste. Oh, and beetubs, the restaurant sucks, evidently.
mommy ate there she said it was SWILL. i said that over at serious eats and was almost lynched, i swear.
Posted by: dubarry | Tuesday, 11 December 2007 at 01:54 PM