I did not expect ever to find myself nostalgic for dead* golfers prone to foot in mouth disease, but this item is one of the dumbest things to come down the pike in some time:
Is there an anti-Southern bias to the Democrats' planned menu at the convention in Denver late August? According to one Denver councilman who was born in North Carolina, there is, foisted on convention-goers by Democratic "food zealots." The convention host committee denies that there's a ban on fried
foods. But ABCNews.com obtained a copy of the catering proposals,
including an odd one that specifies how many and which colors of food
are supposed to appear on a plate.
Here are some of the requirements:
- No items are to be fried.
- Preference is to be given to vendors with "green" practices.
- At least half the meal must consist of fruits and/or vegetables.'
Meals be colorful, including at least three of the following colors:
red, green, yellow, blue/purple, and white. (Garnishes don't count.)
- Seventy percent or more of ingredients must be certified organic and/or grown in Colorado, by precooked weight.
- Seventy percent or more of ingredients must be fresh and not pre-processed, by pre-cooked weight.
Denver Councilman Charlie Brown says the stringent restrictions,
especially the fried-food ban, will hurt the Democratic Party's image
in the South.
"You can't turn red states blue, especially Southern states, without fried chicken," he says.
Where to begin? First of all, evidently, the DNC boosted their guidelines from a Bay Area Montessori school parents' dinner. The idea that eating might be something to enjoy, rather than an opportunity to demonstrate various virtues, does not enter into the question.
On the other hand, this Denver city councilman claiming that these guildelines are "anti-Southern" is an asshole. Anyone who thinks that Southern food = fried food,** or that fresh and local are qualities somehow inimical to Southern food deserves to be straddled by Paula Deen while she she forcefeeds them the new Mickey D's fried chicken sandwich. Also, especially after the little keruffle with this week's New Yorker cover, I'll bet the mortgage that there will not be any fried chicken served as the Democrats nominated the first serious black presidential candidate.
*That was the other one.
**Professor Edge, for one, or theThe Lee Brothers, for two, would beg to differ.
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