I have of late, obvs, lost my blog mirth. With any luck, I'll find it. Halloween as an adult in a college town means saying a little prayer when you leave the house that the student you bump into at the super market has chosen something wholesome, like Alice in Wonderland, rather than, say, O. But for those of you with children, or who are children, a guide to kids' chalk trick or treating symbols. (The Werthers Originals is at left.)* There are many more than you would think, and quite clever. Better yet, it conjures up a world where little kids are more like hobos than usual. Come to think of it, with the way things are going, that's not bad experience to have.
*No symbol yet for "cranky fesser who just might give you an offprint of an article he wrote."
"A world where little kids are more like hobos than usual." Heh. Awesome.
Posted by: Paula | Friday, 31 October 2008 at 02:04 PM