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Never done it, but that size, I'd cook it low and slow like a turkey to be safe, giving yourself time to finish early (can always finish on high heat before serving). Salt and pepper properly and keep the spices minimal.

Rose's Lime

I find cooking good cuts of meat harder than the cheap cuts... e.g. making a pot roast out of bottom round or rump... you brown it, throw it in the oven with wine or beer at 350 for three hours give or take and it comes out as good as pulled pork on a smoker.

A finer cut of meat is a little more delicate because unlike a cheap cut, a. you can overcook it and b. you don't want to mask the flavor with too much seasoning.

I've never done a beef rib roast, but have done the pork equivalent.

* Don't trim the fat off of it... a rib roast should have a serious layer of fat on the outside. Don't let them trim it off at the store and don't do it yourself. When you serve it, you can carve away the fat in the kitchen or at the table and just serve the lean.

* Taking a page from Cod's Zuni Chickent, dry rub it with salt & pepper and other seasonings as far in advance as you can (sorry if it's a little late for that). With Pork roast I add garlic and rosemary. For beef some mustard powder or horseradish could add a sweet note, but don't overdo it.

* The last 12-24 hours before yout cook it, let it stand uncovered in the fridge to dry out and form a pelicule or skin

* 2 Hours before putting it in the oven, take it out of the fridge and let it come up to room temperature. For a 15 pound roast, this will be really important.

* The key to a large piece of meat is letting it cook gently and evenly. The hardest part is resisting the urge to open the oven and look at it and poke it and fret every ten minutes.

* Cook it acording to whatever recipe you find on the Internets or in Joy. Usually its 375 for 15 mins a pound. I think there's also a realy zen method where you roast it for a while and then let it sit in the hot oven, but I've never tried that.

* If you're using a meat thermometer, you want to pull it out about 10 degrees before it reaches your desired doneness... so if you're aiming for 140 (medium) pull it out at 130. Medium Rare, pull it out at 120-125.

* The recipe says to let it rest on the platter or in the pan for at least 0:30 before you serve it. Don't ignore this. Let it rest and finish cooking and reabsorbe juices or you'll have a rare, bloody mess on your hands.

That's my xmas wisdom for the day.

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