Williams-Sonoma has a gift for making stuff you don't need, which is why they have their own category - Williams-Sonomadness. (The cinetrix has actually argued that much of the average W-S catalog is an attempt to bait the Cod, rather than a sincere retail endeavor.) However, the folks out West have no monopoly on dumb shit you don't need for your kitchen. Rival Sur La Table seems to have resolved to be the Hunt Brothers of the holiday themed spatula market. I love silicone spatulae as much as anyone else who cooks -- it's almost like having a hand that is really hard to burn. However, it's hard to see how a spatula with holiday motifs embedded would outperform one that did. If this eggnog, and Eartha Kitt singing Santa Baby* won't get you in the Christmas spirit, it's hard to see a spatula with a snowman on it tipping the scales.
If you have a notion to buy thes spatula (they are deeply discounted) lie down until the feeling goes away, and then break off a check to Lowernine.org, another outfit commended by the Lime Spider, which is working with residents in the Lower Ninth Ward to rebuild housing for residents there. If you are willing not to buy a lot of spatula, you could save $600, and take that money, give it to Lowernine.org, and they put a roof on someone's home. (As a bonus, that also means they remove the tattered blue tarpaulin that may be there. (As a double bonus, that's one fewer tarp you will see from the airplane flying in and out of New Orleans.)) If you are interested in not buying fewer spatulae, you can still find an appropriate item on their wishllist.
*And fuck that Madonna noise:
Wow, Sur La Table is a treasure. How about some Onion Goggles? http://www.surlatable.com/product/gift+types/by+price/under+%2425/onion+goggles%2C+black+(with+green+trim).do
Posted by: Eva | Thursday, 11 December 2008 at 08:23 AM