An interesting missive showed up in the inbox:
We recently found your
blog, and were very impressed by it. My partner and I are in the
process of building a food blogging destination site, where we will
feature content from high quality bloggers. The layout of the site will
be like a newspaper, which we think will add legitimacy to our content.
We will have multiple themes all related to the food industry, ranging
from food sourcing, restuarants, recipes, etc. Much like a real
newspaper's website, but focused on the culinary world.
We believe your blog could be a valuable addition
to our website, and we would like your permission to use your blog
content. Your blogs would be part of a highly reputable site, where
only high quality content is delivered to an audience who is interested
in a wide variety of culinary news.. We will be marketing our site
aggressively, so your blogs would reach a much larger audience than
they reach currently. Any content from you would reflect your name
(real or blog, up to you), a picture, a bio, etc. We hope to have our
bloggers become recognized names and personalities, and not just be
content contributors.
goal is to upload your blogs through an RSS feed each day. We won't
require you to write more than you do now, although since we like what
we see, the more the better!
you will consider this opportunity to reach a large audience with your
excellent blogs. We are currently in the process of building the site,
but are trying to get bloggers on board now. Please let us know your
thoughts, and if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing
from you.
(Redacted) & Redacted.
I do, actually have questions, but thought I might better pose them to Codland:
1) Are they serious?
2) Did I miss the part where I get kissed?
3) How is it that the form of a newspaper will give them "legitimacy"?
4) Should I be relieved that I would not be "required to write more than I do now"?
I welcome answers in the comments.
so, they're a content aggregator. They'll probably put ads on their site and try to make money that way.
If they're properly crediting you, and you reserve the right to pull out if you don't like the way it is going, it might not be a bad setup. You don't have must to lose, but you probably don't have much to gain. You'd get exposure, but they will be designing their site so that traffic goes back to them, not to the gurgling cod website.
Their approach suggests they might be semi-legit. They could just steal your content via RSS without telling/crediting you. That's not uncommon.
Some things to think about:
1) It definitely dilutes the gurgling cod "brand". Do you care?
2) They could turn out to be something unprofessional that you're embarrassed to be associated with.
3) If you are considering putting up ads on your own site, you'd lose some potential ad revenue to them. Some people will read your stuff there instead of here.
4) Unless they give you good reporting, you could lose some visibility into how many people are reading your stuff.
Posted by: chzplz | Monday, 13 April 2009 at 01:45 PM
eminently? Unless you're going to refuse it real soon?
Posted by: Frodnesor | Monday, 13 April 2009 at 01:58 PM
WBUR has a site that highlights content from food bloggers around TLOTB&TC.
It neither has nor needs the legitimacy of a newspaper format since it's run by a legitimate broadcaster (though one that doesn't otherwise comment on food) for no ostensible commercial purpose other than to serve the public and extend the brand.
Julia from Grow. Cook. Eat. has submitted posts to this site. I'll ask her to comment on why she contributes.
Posted by: Rose's Lime | Monday, 13 April 2009 at 02:30 PM
There are all sorts of blog aggregators out there... as John mentioned, is one of them. FoodBuzz is another one.
With, they post a snippet of my blog posts and then directs them to my blog for the full article. It has definitely increased my traffic.
It doesn't look like you advertise here... so I don't think you're blogging to make money. What is your goal, then?
It really depends on how they lay out the content and credit/link you, as to whether you dilute or promote your brand.
Posted by: Julia | Monday, 13 April 2009 at 02:41 PM
I think the form of a newspaper will give them the near certainity of failure, considering a) their site sounds shitty, and b) that's what newspapers do now.
Posted by: Derek | Wednesday, 15 April 2009 at 07:09 PM
Food Supply,he winter factor top drop child young chairman dream copy compare because marry husband daughter true task address create show model wing military approve ticket deal less earth category happy dress type damage facility supply them argument visit wood head dog vote undertake roof touch hot invite especially either be representation mind steal growing like recognise heart letter that growth grey war central loss tall more nevertheless half nothing description move source order egg mother elderly itself seek least acid technology vote player stuff box
Posted by: Previouslyaim | Wednesday, 23 December 2009 at 08:24 AM