John T. Edge spills the beans on the dirty secret of the dirty south. As it happens, "Southerner" emerges as a reified and monolithic category. Not to get all 18th Brumaire up inz, but but the adjective applied this generally (Southerners do this...) sits in the belly kind of like a Hardee's biscuit.*
FloFab extends unicorn antler tasting spoon from her secret underground lair, samples the Handy Corn, and approves.
Meanwhile, Pete Wells is not so lucky, being unable to distinguish between turkey and the pork in the NYT cafeteria. As the lads from Ugly Duckling explain, it can be hard to tell turkey and pork apart (at 4:50 mark).
Ugly Duckling "La Revolucion" Taste The Secret, Emperor Norton, 2003
*JTE has forgotten more about icebox pickles than I'll ever know about Southern food in general, is the dean of Southern foodways studies, and I'm a damn carpetbagger, after all. But still, it's strange, in 2009, to see someone narrating to the NYT audience what Southerners, qua Southerners, do.