All Anchowery up inz, I know. Sorry. But I did Tumblr about dumb Twitter stuff in the NYer.*
As for the more immediately relevant to this blog Twitter story in DI/DO? Mostly OK with it. With an ongoing and abiding interest in text (dayjob) and cooking (avocation), the intersection of the two always interests me. Reducing the instructions for how to cook a dish to 140 characters emphasizes the way that the process is always a collaboration. rather than stenography. For some things (baking) I'd be frustrated, but mostly, it's enough space to communicate your food idea, and leave room for the cook to breathe. I do not think it's the future of how people will write about cooking, but it does offer a respite from both the humorless detail of Christopher Kimball, and the irritating carelessness of the Wednesday Chef.
*If you remember the Achewoods where the characters call up various cartoon characters and tell them to stop, well, it's time for Doonesbury to get a call like that.
UPDATE: Oh, snap.
"It's like deja-vu all over again."
Yogi Berra
Posted by: Marco | Thursday, 23 April 2009 at 08:49 PM
Onstad kind of needs to stop himself. He's done maybe ten funny strips in 2009.
Posted by: Derek | Thursday, 14 May 2009 at 06:42 PM