That sound you heard? It's the sound of the nouveau food truck bandwagon landing with a resounding splash, after successfully hurdling a Carcharodon Carcharias. As reported from the Wash Sq park dogrun, by a Vendy impressario we know here as the Lime Spider, this conversation happened yesterday:
Him: I think I want to launch a food truck - there's money in it.
Me: What kind of food would you serve?
Him: I'm not sure, maybe Jewish deli food? For me it's just a business, someone else would do that part.
Me: In my experience, a huge part of successful street food ventures is the vendors' passion for their food and focus on sharing that with their customers.
Him: Couldn't I just hire an actor?
Somehow, I imagine that this guy's business team includes the wacky financial advisor who urges his clients to get out of risky bonds and stuff, and make sure that the bulk of his clients' portfolios are in nice sound restaurants.