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Rose's Lime

I can't believe I'm wasting my time writing a comment about a post about how COD wasted his time reading a post from another blog which was a waste of time. Comments on this comment welcome.


So, you are under 30 years of age? Oh my, what a young Cod with so many (depleting at an expontential rate) fish in the sea!

Chef de Partie

This is a classic case of " over fished" and stocks are dwindling !


Worried about you -- our craving for punishment seems to be tied to the same timetable. I looked in and had the same reaction. Snapper is that crapfish they throw onto college cafeteria steam tables. Striped bass? Not even a distant cousin. I'm no fan of Molly's, but still.

Guess we should all be crowdsourcing or hiveminding or whatever DI/DO dictates, tho.


oops, wrong person, wrong age, not enough coffee.


I'm dumbstruck by that weird poster for "The Snapper". Some U.S. marketing exec managed to simultaneously sanitize / sex up a rather gritty, grungy, hilarious Dublin movie.


total northern state human


carbon comment stricter warmest consensus increases attributed

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