One particular headscratcher in the aforementioned rejoinder to my review of AW&CP was the phrase "fuck you and the Prius* you rode in on." The Cod's struggles with language make it difficult for him to see how it's the hippies in redwoods, who drive Prii, and are against Alice and this bio, while, presumably, there are lines of Hummers jockeying for parking spots on Shattuck Ave. But in any case, it did remind me of a favorite image from an earlier post. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Panissecruiser, (former owner at right) with renewed thanks to the Peerless Photoshopping of Penny Pascal. Have a splendid weekend.
*A white Surly and a green Subaru, actually.
It's fucking viral already. Hey, Larry David drives a Prius.
Posted by: Marco | Saturday, 03 October 2009 at 10:14 AM