Thanks (?) to the cinetrix for passing along Ro-Revus talking about worms:
Yes, this is truly brainfrying material, and yes, it's alarming this dropped in the Nixon, rather the Wilson administration. Sakerlina public health initiatives, holler! Beyond that, and why it's here, is that it speaks to a radically different nutritional economy in America forty years ago. Among the many many woes besetting poor folks in South Carolina, one that gets a PSA are parastic worms. At about 5:00 is the kicker -- "you can't afford to share food with worms." Of the problems afflicting the poor rural South today, a shortage of calories is low on the list, seems like. And FWIW, the kids in the video are all pretty skinny. So what changed? The major agricultural innovation, detailed by the dangerous elitist Michael Pollan and others, is the big-ag, fencerow-to-fencerow policies of Earl Butz. The upside, I guesss, is a cornucopia of corn products that keep us from worrying about fighting for every last calorie with cartoon worms. The downside is we all got wicked fat.
Maybe it's time to reintroduce the worms. Like, seriously:
Posted by: Skeen | Wednesday, 21 October 2009 at 10:07 AM
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