AW&CP author Thomas MacNamee takes his defense of his book to a new venue, but luckily he remembered to bring his F-bombs along:
What is this, some sort of band of morons with pitchforks, none of whom
is able to understand that my book is not a suck piece? that in fact,
vividly available to the perspicacious reader--a type of whom there
have been a great many--I have shown Alice to be as YOU see her,
manipulative, self-aggrandizing, media-hungry? How is it that you are
unable to understand this in my book? Is the only thing that you would
understand something like ALICE WATERS IS A MANIPULATIVE,
SELF-AGGRANDIZING BITCH? Is that how you think things get moved forward
in the real world? Do you sit up in the top of redwood trees too?
Please, whoever you are--I do not know to whom I'm writing this--I do
seriously urge you to take some time to reflect on how real change is
really effected in this world. My "take" on Alice--which you've
apparently continued to miss entirely--is the sort of understanding
that does move things forward: She's human, she's famous, she's
influential, she's manipulative, she's getting a lot done, you may not
like her, I may not like her, but this is how it works, folks, like it
or not, this is how it works. It's vulgar, it's oversimplified, it's
mediagenic, it's democracy. It's not how Berkeley's tastemaking
morality-making oligogracy would wish it to be. It's merely human
nature. Alas, at its nearly-best. Yeah, oh, and, sir, or madam, or
mademoiselle, fuck you and the Prius you rode in on.
Given my lack of ability with language, I would welcome your help in parsing what this means, or at least helping me remember where I left my Prius.
would it help if he knew you drink shlitz?
Posted by: jack-ruby | Friday, 02 October 2009 at 08:55 PM
It means "You aren't smart or observant enough to realize that I, the mighty THOMAS MACNAMEE have present the truth about Alice Waters."
The truth being that she's manipulative and all the rest.
To which I can respond with a firm "eh." I still like what she did to the restaurant industry.
Posted by: Chris Perrin | Monday, 05 October 2009 at 01:31 PM