Two items from one day's worth of FNJ have me thinking it's time for someone just to go ham on Western civilization:
1) The Toronto Star reports that Mildred's Temple Kitchen, a Toronto restaurant, is offering a unique Valentine's promotion this year that goes so far as to sideline the food and get right down to the sex: a suggested interlude in the restaurant's "sexy bathrooms." "Have you given any thought to moving beyond the bedroom?" goes the come on.
2) DELRAY BEACH, Fla. -- A new Delray Beach business may have a heart defibrillator, dialysis machine and CPR classes, but it's not a hospital or a clinic. It's a sports grill.
The bedpan full of cheese chest pain fries is just one of several medical-themed dishes on the menu at Heart Stoppers Sports Grill.Anyone who weighs 350 pounds or more gets a free meal.The Cod had recently wondered why heart attacks were so much funnier than cancer, but this is really pushing it. Oh, and the "waitresses dress like sexy nurses" alleges the caption. "Sexy nurse," in this case, evidently being some sort of local slang for "the watiresesses dress like bedraggled runaways forced to wear crummy nurse costumes."
If there is someone in a cave in Pakistan Afghanistan working on a giant robot Travis Bickle armed w/ Sidewinder missiles, just tell me how I can help.
Cod, I love your work, and I think everything should be on the table for humor always, even if it hurts people. But if you're gonna argue that some make too heavy with the heart attack humor, I'm not sure it's kosher to close that complaint with a terrorism joke. If you're gonna be senitive about one thing, don't you have to be sensitive to everything?
Posted by: monty | Thursday, 04 February 2010 at 02:48 PM
That's two ixnay on the aliban-tay comments from folks I trust. I suspect that the asymmetry is b/c my dad died of a heart attack, not in a terrorist attack. My failure to extrapolate suggests I may be running a quart low on empathy these days. Sorry.
Posted by: The Gurgling Cod | Thursday, 04 February 2010 at 04:06 PM
I don't see the giant robot Travis Bickle (regardless of his roots in an Afghan cave) as insensitive so much as aching for humanity. But maybe i misread Taxi Driver.
It's OK to be disgusted (offended, even) with what people are willing to profit from. And relaying that via hyperbole is completely normal in my book.
Posted by: daniel | Thursday, 04 February 2010 at 09:04 PM
Don't take it personally, I always run low on empathy, but at least I try to be aware of it and drag some up into the light from my moribund selfish self when needed. As for the Valentine's Day whoopla, it's pathetic and can easily drive one to loaded hyperbole or worse.
Posted by: Marco | Friday, 05 February 2010 at 09:34 AM
uniform temptation,haha, beautiful nurse
Posted by: NFL Draft | Saturday, 06 February 2010 at 02:33 AM
even your apologies rock, cod.don't ever change.
Posted by: monty | Monday, 08 February 2010 at 02:07 AM