Strange things afoot in the parking lots of chain casual dining restaurants in the greater Atlanta area. Yesterday a Green Olive Media twittered thus: "if you own a restaurant in atlanta, click this link - might impact reservations on valentines day:"
The link went to what appeared to be a reservation scalping site, but just for Feb 14. But the sad thing is, while there were a few spots like Abbatoir, the spots on offer were primarily at Ruth's Chris's and Legal Seafood type places. Call me a romantic, but a Valentine's dinner at either spot seems like it would go over like a lead panty rose. Curiouser still, the site is down, with a placeholder from GoDaddy -- the folks with the marketing plan built around not showing you Danica Patrick's bosoms. I would welcome any explanation that is available.
*Commonly available at filling stations, the panty rose is an example of a gift that is likely to provoke a difference of opinion between giver and givee as to the level of romance it conjures.
I haven't been up to much lately. So it goes. What can I say? I've just been letting everything wash over me recently, not that it matters. I just don't have much to say these days.
Posted by: thomas sabo charm carriers | Saturday, 02 April 2011 at 05:41 AM