Saturday seems to be the day on the Cod for tracking the vagaries of mascots. The city famous for booing Santa Claus is maybe not the first place a mascot would consider a drag act* based on a hit by a polarizing pop diva, but that's why the Phillie Phanatic has their job, and you have yours:
The Cod is posting largely to give a public place for a prediction of an actual duet between Real GaGa and the Phanatic before the All Star break.
*The gender of the Phanatic is indeterminate/irrelevant, yet dressing up like GaGa is obviously a drag act. Is that because being a pop star is... performative?
Kate Bornstein: "As far as I can tell, being any gender is a drag."
Posted by: Margaret | Saturday, 17 April 2010 at 12:35 PM
The Phanatic perplexes and entertains. Much like La Gaga. I see a marriage made in Indeterminate Heaven.
Posted by: Skeen | Sunday, 18 April 2010 at 10:37 PM