Is it possible that the "Walk This Way"-era Run DMC logo resets* have lost their flavor on the bedpost overnight?
Signs point to yes. On the other hand, it may be that I am mad did not get around to making my MTAOFC/Experimental Jetset tee before J-Pow ate the JC brand and crapped it out in the shape of Meryl Streep. Tip of the fin to Addison, via DFB.
*If you love logo resets, spend more time hanging around a college campus with a big Greek population. Still trying to process the Chi Omega as Metallica tees of a few years ago, not to mention The Notorious KKG.
Some of these film directors' rock logo resets, I guess you'd call 'em, from Mondo Tees, are pretty good. I like the logos for Ozu, Herzog, Von Trier, and Bela Tarr...Scorsese's decent, too. Or are they not?
Posted by: tribal rachel | Thursday, 10 June 2010 at 11:08 PM