That's Utopia scribe St. Thomas More holding a rib, contemplating this Sunday's Meatopia, on Governor's Island. The Meatopians have graciously invited The Gurgling Cod to be a celebrity judge, showing a clearer grasp of generosity than the meaning of celebrity. If you are there, do say hello. To distinguish myself from the many, many other stocky thirtyfortysomething dudes likely to be there, I will be wearing a t-shirt bearing the logo of our gracious hosts, Rick's Picks. Thanks as always to Penny Pascal for the Peerless Photoshopping. Btubs, Ms. P will be taking Manhattan like a brainy Muppet as of Aug 1, so fix up, look sharp.
And the overpriced cocktails taste just like piss.
It's a huevo de gallina for Kenmare from Sifton. The Cod's visit there was pleasanter than Sifton's but it was very quiet when I was in. Given that the concept seemed to be simple things done fussily, I can easily imagine that The Chicken or the fries could fall off steeply in a busier kitchen. The sceneyness of the scene does allow Sifton to unleash his Walter Mitty fantasy that he lives in Brooklyn and is named Jonathan, or at least is a Holden Caulfield manque, all growed up:
If I were part of Team Kenmare, I would probably be muttering something about how there are plenty of restaurants for older and less attractive people, and Sifton's indictment does carry a hint of outsiderishness:
It's the 4th of July. Bricks and mortar and flesh and blood and heart and soul push the pixels to one side on this weekend, but God bless us all, and do not hold in hand - light fuse and get away.
If you do not get weepy reading about the special bird rescuing boats, I don't want to know you. Have a good weekend.
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