Anchower, I know. You do not want to know, other than that the non-pixel world has been pretty trill of late. But. The Cod also nearly suffered a brain injury upon seeing that the X-Games were sponsored by Shark Week. The concept of one notional marine entity sponsoring notional terrestrial entity spawned fantasies of Great Whites dropping in to a half pipe (Let's put some bleachers out in the sun in the Desert of the Real, and make this happen, people), and is as good a context as any for mentioning that the folks at Eater are counterprogramming Shark Week with Shitshow Week. Truth to tell, every week at Eater seems a little bit like Shitshow Week, if it is, in fact "a festive time to focus on the great follies of the restaurant world" -- it's a bit like getting a press release from Univision declaring zany chaos week. In any case, it's bound to be fun to watch the Eater folk turn the scorn to 11 this week, and it definitely is a reminder that it is just another Guiteau Monday.