The Cod has had it up to here with pink cleats and pink chinstraps, and has issues with the whole project. More here. But! The Cod has always been a glass half full kind of Gadus Morhua, so we are getting all excited here for Monday, 1 November, which will mark the start of Pimento Cheese Awareness Month. We will be sharing menus, recipes, and resources all month long. Did you know that millions of Americans go without pimento cheese every day? Raising awareness is the first step towards making sure that all Americans get the pimento cheese they deserve. Let us know what you are doing -- if you serve it at your restaurant, if you have a favorite receipt for pimento cheese, if you have any other pimento cheese information to share, please holler.
Tex-Mex Pimento cheese:
Posted by: Marco | Thursday, 28 October 2010 at 10:43 AM
I've never heard of Pimento Cheese Awareness Month, but I like the idea! The secret to my pimento cheese, other than high quality Vermont cheddar, is a jar of undrained Mario Pimientos (I buy the diced). You'll notice a difference in the texture, color, and flavor. I don't drain them because, unlike all the other brands I've tried, the juice is very rich, and it adds lots of flavor. Also, I recommend either JFG or Duke's Mayonnaise.
Posted by: BH | Friday, 29 October 2010 at 08:01 AM