Yes, the Cod knows it is Mardi Gras, and is trying hard not to remember as he ploughs through a mountain of work that stands between him and a perversely Aschenbachian trip to NOLA later this week. (Can I get that poboy dressed with discarded beads and remorse, cher?) It is also International Women's Day, a holiday dear to the heart of the departed Codfather. He would send an email to all of the women in his address book/ After he died, I carried on the tradition. One of the perverse ironies is that the social media that have proliferated since his passing make this much more of a challenge. Three different email accounts, this blog, the associated Tumblrs and Twitters and Facebook pate, my dog's Twitter, etcetera, etcetera.
2011 has not been such a hot year for women, what with the efforts to redefine rape and recriminalize abortion, but here's hoping it gets better. If you read this blog, you are likely interest in food, and if you are alive, there is an excellent chance that at some point in your life, a woman has kept you from starving to death. You might could thank them by creating opportunities for women to do other stuff, besides keeping you from starving to death. That could be getting Ph.Ds in STEM fields, or making it safer for them to walk down the street at night, or even running nice restaurants in NYC. So a raised fin in solidarity and a raised glass in appreciation from the Cod to women, both present and absent.