So The Cod saw where the Eaters were teasing a piece w/ "the problem with food porn." Glad to see it, b/c the Cod used to wonder if people who used the term "food porn" were clear on what pornography is.* A refresher. For instance, the CSPI called Hardee's Thickburgers "food porn," cuz they are, like really bad for you. Like porn. But wait! Porn, the regular kind, is usually involves looking at kinds of people doing kinds of things for/with/to/at oneanother in contexts that are not accessible to the viewer. (Yes, Slammy from Miami, and yes, Rod Huggins, but they are exceptions that prove the rule.) What makes it bad, then, is the distance between the object and the consumer, which produces degrading objectification, etc. But the problem with the Thickburger is not that exists only in print or pixels, creating unrealistic expectations of hamburgeruality in our youths. You can't wander into your local Hardee's and fuck Sasha Grey, but you can order a Thickburger. That's the problem. On the other hand, the folks Eater linked to w/r/t "the problem w/ food porn" conflatepornography and desire in a way that's just kinda effed up:
Concerns over mounting food shortages as a result of climate change have experimental philosopher Jonathon Keats questioning our near-pornographic obsession with gourmet cuisine in a moment where even basic sustenance will be in question.
Oh, and dude also seems shaky on the food part of the food porn equation:
The Cod hates to be a grinch during Eater's Burger Week, but having been outspent on the battle over "modernist," he'd hate to see a useful concept like porn get twisted.
*Curiously, some other -porn formations, like "shelter porn," preserve the sense of separation implied in the original, unless you are married to that one dude from Coldplay.
More nauseous and foolish cant was never chattered than that which would deride the memory or depreciate the merits of pornography!
Posted by: Derek | Tuesday, 26 April 2011 at 06:12 PM
I'm worried you get better BS reception in the groves of academe. I have no idea what that was all about. . .
For once, though, I'll bow to the Supreme Court. Porn? You know it when you mouse it.
Posted by: gastropoda | Tuesday, 26 April 2011 at 10:58 PM
I think this is the best article I have seen a
Posted by: Elvis Andrus Jersey | Wednesday, 27 July 2011 at 08:47 PM