Q: What do Gabrielle Hamilton and Danyelle Freeman have in common?*
A: Not much. Hamilton has a Beard award, runs Prune, and is a general badass. Freeman is a "food personality," I guess. But! they both a) wrote books b) live in New York City, and c) have vaginas! And that's enough for Amazon.com:
At this rate, if you bought The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Amazon would suggest a Kissinger bio, since they both have cool eyeglasses. I'd been thinking about buying some Lizzie Mercier Descloux CDs, but I sure don't want Amazon thinking that means I like Carrie Underwood. But serously, it ain't quite Realtree swimwear for the ladies, but the algorhythm that any food book written by a chick = any other food book written by a chick puts us in Guiteau Monday territory, no doubt.
*Hamilton does have an MFA from Michigan, but evidently does not share Freeman's ability to read a menu with her breasts.
Cod; normally i love what u write and often don't comment. However, whether you care or not I bet the answer would be 'not'; but this post is highly insulting - shame on you. You forgot boobs and clitoris...(if u don't find the sarcasm here then drop the whole thing)
Posted by: Natalie Sztern | Monday, 27 June 2011 at 01:49 PM
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Posted by: custom research paper | Wednesday, 29 June 2011 at 10:24 AM
You can find any necessary book there.
Posted by: wholesale jersey | Thursday, 30 June 2011 at 05:14 AM