Greetings NOLA types who found their way here via Brett Anderson. It's not all Richman and assgrabs, all the time here. More stuff on the 504 is here.
Greetings, Gastropoda shoppers, et al. If you need further musings on Richman and L'Affaire Assgrab, over here.
The other day, the Cod was fussing about this dudebro who wants you to stop writing about food, and step aside and let the pros handle it. "Professional," in its literal sense, would include Alan Richman, who, quite remarkably, supports himself by being paid to write about food. Or, used to. Now, to make a longass, (long ass?) story short, Richman gets after the late, variously lamented M. Wells, but spends more than 1/2 of the story discussing allegations by the management that he had grabbed a server's ass. Based on conversations with friends who have worked in restaurants, the majority do not enter the field hoping to have their asses groped by strangers. If I ran the zoo, pinning the offending assgrabbing hand to a table w/ a steakknife would be decriminalized. (Call it The Cod's Steak House Sharia.) Sifton was kind enough to share the gem at right from Jonathan Gold:
Would that it were the world's longest Yelp post. This is actually several times more self-indulgent. People pay to read GQ. Advertisers pay to advertise there. I don't like assgrabbing, but I also don't like lying, and it's difficult to know who is telling the truth here. The trouble is that Richman is using up a chunk of an actual magazine's (online) real estate to discuss how he would never, ever, grab a waitress's ass. Does anyone else still work at GQ? Is there someone who, you know, passes an eye over what Richman writes? Or is it like when Rene Lachemann coached third base for the Sox?
CSHS would make for good meme prima materia. I'm still not over Richman's ass, grabbed or not, being in fucking Treme.
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