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Anne Lounsbery

It's the Upper Crust! I didn't know you were a fan too. Hey little rickshaw boy!


Terrific riposte to Bruni, who doesn't seem like a bad guy but maybe got his argument wrong. That middle ground is what needs to be explored. That's where the real alternation needs to happen.

And massive high five on the Upper Crust, the world's most privileged band.


bizarre of bruni to attack bourdain as elitest when he's probably most responsible (other than robert sietsema, to nyc readers) for the shift over the last decade in (ugh) foodies being able to think of cheap but quality ethnic food you eat on the street or in a shopping mall, as just as exciting and valid as anything in a nyt starred restaurant, which are all $$$ and either european or japanese.


Gay writer defends gay icon (odd and kind of creepy that she is, but true. No news there.


Good article, but desperately in need of an editing pass.

The Gurgling Cod

@Doug. Yipes. Fair enough.


Bourdain would run a busload of school kids off the road if it meant he could make a nasty comment about it later. So insincere it's repugnant.


I commend The Cod for trying to sort out all of this bullshit and with a musical soundtrack to boot. All of this with Irene headed toward the 617. But, I find it all a little fucking boring and redundant. How many times do we have to hear the same thing said a million ways? Think of how hard it is to change your eating habits, let alone your consciousness in any meaningful transformative way.
I also appreciate the way certain people in the food writing profession bend with the quantity of those clicks. No pun intended, but, but...


Nice job! First kudo for recognizing that Bourdain didn't accidentally fall into this feud. Second (and super-sized) kudo for reminding people that Bruni was, and always will be a GWB toadie. Third kudo for the step-by-step destruction of Pancho's argument.
And final kudo for recognizing that Jamie Oliver is one of the few celebrity chefs using his fame in an effort to truly make a difference on this issue.


My mother, who has an excellent palate and would not even know what foodie means, is a retired Brooklyn Italian-American schoolteacher who ate at Paula Deen's restaurant, and said it was SWILL, absolute SWILL.

This is a woman that knows her way around some polenta/grits, gnocchi/mac&cheese, polpette/meatloaf. Paula Deen is no working class hero. In fact, adding a few sticks of butter to somewhat processed food - cream cheese, eg, is in my mother's book (and mine) an expensive way to do things.

Red/blue politics are all about the upper classes manipulating the lower, in both cases. In neither case is their a genuine class divide.


I meant neither side actually represents the lower classes, in both cases there is a class divide among the capitalists and the proles. Plus ca change y'all.


Having watched Paula host Jimmy & Rosalyn Carter on her show in the past, treating them with the utmost graciousness, made it quite clear that she was a supporter. That kind of blows holes into Bruni's blue state/red state argument.

I think Tony and Paula are both concerned with the common person's plight in their own, distinct ways. As for their prospective success, Tony, who I so admire, calls himself a sell-out, while Paula gets overly defensive about it. C'est la vie.


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