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hello! my friend


Ridiculous, but at least I now know what to buy my poached egg loving in-laws for Christmas.

(My owner mother made herself a poached egg every morning for breakfast in the tiniest camping tin pan ever with a slotted spoon.)


I can't think of a poached egg without thinking about the eggs you poached for your mom when we were all hanging out together in the Red Farmhouse ... us and also the in-home nurse named ... Rose? ... who wore those acid-washed higher-than-the-waistline tapered jeans. You sidled up to me at one point and whispered, "Can we buy Rose new jeans?"

I'm remembering how my mom and I were trying to get Holly to eat before you arrived, and when you came, you made a lot of things that made her say "Mmmm" and "Yummy!" In particular I remember watching you poach eggs and thinking I wanted to learn how to do that.

<3, as the kids say on FB nowadays.

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Je suis très intéressé par ce domaine et la lecture de ce post, je connais beaucoup de nouvelles choses, dont je n'ai pas connu auparavant. Merci pour la publication de ce très bon article ici.

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